Hi, I’m

multi-faceted, edgysensual, passionate human being, artist, gentle soul, intuition led creatrix, always dancing between polarities with an open heart


I am here to support women to come back to themselves, to their innate wisdom and orgasmic power.

I am here to help you reclaim your sovereignty, come back into connection with your sexual nature and life force energy, supporting you to be your most authentic, radiant self.

Because you are fucking worthy of that.

I see it all around me:

Powerful women trapped in patriarchal structures, in beliefs that keep them playing small, in the pain and discomfort that is often a result of conditioning, learned behaviour and the impact of traumatic events, women that are disconnected from their gifts, their sex, their pleasure. 

And I get it. I hear you, I see you, I feel you. I’ve been there.

I’ve been the one that was stuck - stuck in limiting beliefs, in conditioning that held me back from expressing myself authentically. I’ve battled with anorexia, depression and anxiety for a decade until I found healing outside the classic therapeutic methods.

I’ve felt the shame around my expression, conditioned and programmed to be the good girl. Constantly thinking I was either too much or not enough. Stuck in my masculine energy (the shadow expression mostly), completely disconnected from my feminine essence and radiance. Barely surviving and rarely thriving.


It was the end of 2018, when I found myself in a relationship (with a beautiful person) that I wasn’t happy in anymore. I had to repress parts of my sexuality, felt stuck and unable to express myself authentically. I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but I was completely disconnected from myself, from my body, my pussy. I was stuck in my head, in loops of anxiety, struggling with panic attacks and feeling disempowered.

At that time I was living in Auckland, NZ, where I met a beautiful tantra teacher. I had never heard of tantra, nor spirituality or consciousness or energy or somatics. I attended a festival she organised and found myself in room of 200 women having my first energy orgasm. And oh, the juice, the power, the magnificence of that otherworldly experience. My life was forever changed.

I decided then and there to leave my partner and to dedicate my life to supporting women to reclaim their power and connect with their sexual nature. Because the way that I felt when I was in that room full of women, experiencing exquisite pleasure, so connected to my pussy, my womb, my pleasure was pure bliss.

I left New Zealand and travelled through South East Asia, where I studied Vipassana Meditation, attended my first BDSM Kink Play Party and dove deeper into women’s work and the principles of (neo-) tantra. I was in a bubble of sunshine and bliss for about a year.

It was all love and light - until my darkest shadows came creeping back in. I fell hard (quite literally fainted and had a concussion for over six weeks) and realised it was time to get to the bottom of things. I started noticing my relationship patterns, the ways that I was still mistreating my body and how stuck I was in my masculine energy (all hustle no rest).

It became very clear to me that it isn’t all love and light. And that everything that we repress, suppress and deny will have the power over us until we bring the unconscious into the conscious and lovingly embrace our shadows (as well as our light).

So I started diving deep into shadow work, studied tantric principles, connected with my feminine energy and got certified as a trauma informed practitioner.

And the more I connected with myself along the journey, the more I learned to love all of myself (the beauty and the mess), the more I felt like I was coming back to my power, to my sovereignty, to living the life I want to live.

Are you ready to reclaim your power, your sex, your peace, your pleasure and bliss?