Guiding you home to yourself - from your mind into your body,

back into connection to your innate wisdom and sexual nature

You deserve to feel peaceful, juicy, empowered, expansive and wildly free.


An invitation to go deeper, to dive beneath the surface because that is where the magic happens.

Digging past the bullshit that is stopping you from believing in yourself, uncovering the magnificence that is you.

Work with me


Feminine Empowerment Coaching


In a world that celebrates the hustle, that pushes you to your limits, that constantly takes from you, you being in your feminine essence, in your radiant aliveness, in your softness and flow is an act of rebellion. 
When you harness your sexual and sensual energy, when you joyfully play in your feminine flow, when you create with your heart, connected to your intuition, you create a life in alignment with your desires and deepest longing(s).

  • A lot of women struggle because they live life the masculine way in a patriarchal society but in a female body (think cyclical nature, hormones, physiology, etc.). The constant doing, thinking, being in the mind, planning, controlling, hustling is oftentimes quite harmful. It depletes us of our energy, it sucks our creative juices, it burns us out. It strips us of our power, it creates disconnection from our innate wisdom, our emotions, our intuition, our magic.

    Let me support you in coming back to your power, in reclaiming your sovereignty, in getting unstuck, wildly free and liberated, in changing the beliefs that are holding you back from living the life you want to live.

Somatic Healing


Pain is rarely just a physical sensation but rather a manifestation of emotions that haven’t been processed, traumatic events that haven’t been digested and stuck energy that hasn’t been moved out of the system, the soma, the living body. There is an underlying emotional and/ or spiritual root cause that needs and wants to be acknowledged and accessed in order for the physical symptoms to be alleviated, in order for the pain to subside, in order for the body to heal. 

  • The tension, the contraction, the anxiety, the fatigue, the stress (you name the sensations you feel in your body) are powerful indicators for where you are out of alignment in your life, for what you might want to look at.

    But in order to understand the pain, the physical sensations, in order to alleviate the discomfort, we need to journey into the soma, into the body. During our one on one sessions, I support you in accessing the root cause of our pain, in deciphering the underlying emotions, in moving the stuck energy out of your system. The pain can only subside if we dive deeper and understand where it is coming from, what it is here to tell us, what it is inviting us to connect with.

Nervous System Healing


A regulated and resilient nervous system is your greatest ally in growing, healing, expanding, thriving. Unfortunately most of us are (unknowingly) walking through life with a highly dysregulated nervous system; constantly in fight or flight mode, activated, unable to stop and rest, unable to think clearly, stuck in the head. A tight chest, shallow breathing, moderate to high levels of anxiety are business as usual for many. The state of your nervous system is influencing every aspect of your life; how you show up in the world, how you deal with stress, how you feel, think, move and relate.

  • Most of us don’t know how it feels to have a regulated nervous system, to have a resilient nervous system, one that can move between rest & digest and fight & flight when needed. But let me tell you, it’s a game changer. Think: more peaceful, calm, grounded, spaciousness in your mind, relaxation in the body, more balance, more clarity, more ease in your relationship to yourself and others.

    Let me support you in coming back to your center, in expressing yourself - your true self, in creating spaciousness in your system, so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

Bespoke Journeys

Every session, every journey is bespoke and tailored to your needs and desires.

My Offerings include

One on one support within mentorship containers and coaching sessions

Retreat Magic and Workshops

Workshops for businesses with focus on nervous system regulation and somatic awareness and wellbeing in the work space


Take their word for it

  • It is always a gift when a beautiful soul like Muriel comes into your life with her deep understanding, gentle guidance and wisdom you can reset your inner strength, find power and love in places you never knew were there, find freedom not by forgetting but by releasing. Muriel taps into something very special and unique, I am excited to continue this new pathway and will always be grateful for which has been shared between us.

    Lisa, UK

  • The session of Muriel gave me a clear insight in the root cause of my pain. Which provided me instant relief after severe months of frequent tensions and pain. The safe space Muriel created and her professional approach are highly recommended!

    Roberta, NL

  • Muriel’s coaching sessions made the doing the ‘work’ playful, curiosity-inducing, explorative, and safe. She gently challenged me out of my comfort zone while holding a safe container for all parts of me. Through her guided embodiment practices I began hearing the voice of my body speak to me, guiding me towards my big yes’s and confidently stating my no’s. Working through topics like intimacy, self-love, a breakup and past challenging sexual experiences, I felt more and more of myself coming out to express myself fully and unapologetically.

    Sofia, Canada